The Bilingual brain
ARTICLES on BILINGUALISM and the BRAIN: Click on the title to read more.
Bilingual People are like Brain "Bodybuilders - ". . . new study confirms that assumption, and goes on to suggest that bilingual people are more efficient at higher-level brain functions such as ignoring other irrelevant information.." Bilingual Brains - Smarter & Faster - "Compared to monolinguals, the studied bilingual children, who had had five to ten years of bilingual exposure, averaged higher scores in cognitive performance on tests and had greater attention focus, distraction resistance, decision-making, judgment and responsiveness to feedback." The Bilingual Brain - "New research into the neurobiology of bilingualism has found that being fluent in two languages, particularly from early childhood, not only enhances a person’s ability to concentrate, but might also protect against the onset of dementia and other age-related cognitive decline." Bilingual Brains Better Equipped to Process Information - "Speaking more than one language is good for the brain, according to new research that indicates bilingual speakers process information more efficiently and more easily than those who know a single language. The benefits occur because the bilingual brain is constantly activating both languages and choosing what language to use and what language to ignore . . ." A more user friendly version of the above study, A Bilingual Brain is more Prepped for a Second Language. Could Bilingual Education Mold Kids’ Brains to Better Resist Distraction? - "Researchers now believe that when people learn another language, they develop cognitive advantages that improve their attention, self-control and ability to deal with conflicting information." Bilingual Education Produces a More Diverse Mind and Society - "Bilingualism and multilingualism benefit both individuals and countries as the growth of globalization increasingly requires mutual and proficient communication in the fields of economics, politics and culture. . . Our children who possess bilingual skills and a knowledge of diverse cultures will be the valuable resource that propels our society toward a better future. " Benefits of being bilingual in the 21st century - "The ability to speak more than one language is more than just a social advantage. It improves cognitive skills and fights certain mental diseases. While children have a natural inclination when learning a new language, the benefits it has on adults are astounding." 6 Ways Bilingualism Can Further Your Career - "The ability to speak a second language has become a valuable asset as our society becomes increasingly diverse in the 21st century. From schools and hospitals to banks and tech companies, organizations around the world are aware of this cultural diversity and often seek out potential candidates who can meet the challenges of tomorrow." CAREEREALISM: How Speaking A Second Language Can Help Your Career - "As a young adult preparing to enter the professional world upon graduation, the ability to speak a second language is a great skill. From social media to participating in a globalized economy, interconnectedness is rapidly becoming one of the defining characteristics of the 21st century, and by speaking another language, you will be able to access and interact with more communities than you would as a monolingual speaker. To a potential employer, your ability to communicate with manufacturers in Asia or target Spanish-speaking demographics here in the United States is a valuable asset." Speaking a Mile in Someone Else's Shoes - "In the midst of a debate over the potential cognitive benefits of learning a second language, new research suggests it may have social value as well. Actually, even being around people who speak different languages may help children learn to take others' perspectives, making communication more effective for everyone." Cognitive Benefits of Language Learning (ACTFL) - "Foreign language programs are often one of the first items to be scrutinized and cut when elementary, middle, and high schools in the U.S. face poor performance evaluations or budget crunches. However, many studies have demonstrated the benefits of second language learning not only on student's linguistic abilities but on their cognitive and creative abilities as well. Duke TIP interviewed several experts in the field about the advantages of foreign language learning for children." For a Better Brain, Learn Another Language - "Multilingualism has a whole slew of incredible side effects: Multi-linguals tend to score better on standardized tests, especially in math, reading, and vocabulary; they are better at remembering lists or sequences, likely from learning grammatical rules and vocabulary; they are more perceptive to their surroundings and therefore better at focusing in on important information while weeding out misleading information (it’s no surprise Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot are skilled polyglots)." What Happens in the Brain when you Learn Another Language? - "The Swedish MRI study showed that learning a foreign language has a visible effect on the brain. Young adult military recruits with a flair for languages learned Arabic, Russian or Dari intensively, while a control group of medical and cognitive science students also studied hard, but not at languages. MRI scans showed specific parts of the brains of the language students developed in size whereas the brain structures of the control group remained unchanged." Why learn a foreign language? Benefits of Bilingualism - "Learning a foreign language is more than just a boost to your CV or handy for travelling. It will make you smarter, more decisive and even better at English," says Anne Merritt. Bilingual Benefits: How Learning Another Language Keeps Your Mind Sharp, No Matter Your Age - "Speaking more than one language won’t just help you snag a date, it might also make you smarter. According to a recent study from Northwestern University, speaking more than one language constantly exercises the brain and makes it more prepared to take on other brain-challenging tasks." 10 Superb Psychological Advantages of Learning Another Language - "Benefits of learning a second language include brain growth, staving off dementia, boosting memory, improving attention and more . . ." Bilingualism is Good for Learning - "Cambridge University researchers are spreading the message that bilingualism is good for learning, rather than a hindrance as sometimes perceived." The Power of the Bilingual Brain (TIME) - "Multilingual people have stronger skills in reasoning, multitasking and reconciling conflicting ideas. These are among several benefits of multilingualism highlighted in a recent Time Magazine article, The Power of the Bilingual Brain.” Your Mind on Language: How Bilingualism Boosts Your Brain - "Language shapes the way we think. Whether we're listening to a persuasive speaker, absorbed in powerful writing, or engaged in a conversation, language can introduce us to new ideas, perspectives, and opportunities. But at a more fundamental level, language might physically alter your mind. Bilinguals, for example, have denser gray matter in their language centers than monolinguals. Bilinguals can more easily focus on two tasks at once. They think more analytically. Parts of their brain devoted to memory, reasoning, and planning are larger than those of monolinguals. Learning a second language is like a workout for your mind. The benefits of bilingualism, from increased creativity to the delayed onset of Alzheimer's, should encourage everyone to pick up a second - or third! - language. A bilingual brain is prepped for more than a second language - "With the help of advanced imaging tools that reveal neural processes in specific brain structures, researchers are coalescing around the idea that fluency in more than one language heightens executive function — the ability to regulate and control cognitive processes. It’s a radical shift from just a few decades ago when psychologists routinely warned against raising children who speak two languages, lest they become confused and suffer delays in learning. “To have another language is to possess a second soul.” –Charlemagne |